DALLAS, TX… The Too Fly Foundation presented two Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy students with travel scholarships to help the them study abroad in Tokyo, Japan in Summer 2019.

 The Too Fly Foundation is a creative nonprofit with the mission of providing travel grants and passport scholarships to underserved students who wish to study or volunteer abroad. Since August 2016, the organization has provided over 120 scholarships to financially-in-need and unexposed students across the nation. 

 Students Ethan Lewis and Thomas Lee, 10th grade, each received a $500 scholarship from the foundation.

 “[Travel] would help me be more focused on my schoolwork and give me a different type of motivation to do my best at everything,” Lee says. “Tokyo is also full of culture and full of experiences…My community is lacking in Asian representation and I want to experience it.”

 With Too Fly’s aid, students across the nation have studied and volunteered abroad in various countries including Ghana, Costa Rica, Senegal, and Egypt.

 Too Fly Foundation founders, Bola Ibidapo, Brandon Miller and Brian Millage, believe that travel is a privilege that every young person should have, no matter their socioeconomic background. They also believe travel makes young people better students and leaders.

 “We need a generation of globally-aware leaders,” says Ibidapo. “The time to raise a leader is not when they are a CEO, a president or grown up. The time to raise a leader is now. Travel helps mold our next generation of leaders.”

 Too Fly also aims to cultivate a passion of travel and global advocacy through their nationwide fundraising campaigns hosted in multiple cities including Dallas, New York City, Washington DC and Chicago. They also will resume their school-outreach program in Dallas in September 2019, which will provide a global-immersion experience for youth in the inner city.

 To learn more about the Too Fly Foundation, its mission and how to donate, please visit tooflyfoundation.org.

Too Fly Foundation
Contact: Bola Ibidapo, Program Director