[Dune7] Dune7 & Too Fly Partnership: Equal access to travel for all.

Dune7 provides partnership strategy and trade communications 

Dune7 is thrilled to partner with Bola, Brandon, and the entire Too Fly Foundation team to support their efforts by expanding their roster of strategic partners throughout the travel industry.

Dune7 will offer its services pro bono and leverage its vast network of senior travel executives and key travel trade media and journalists. 

The ultimate goal is to increase awareness both for the organization itself and the underlying issues of fair and equitable access to travel. 

The hope is that as travel brands talk about ‘building back better,’ they support their verbal intentions with tangible actions that can level the playing field. 

Bola says it best: “Too Fly believes there is no better classroom than the world itself. We’re helping to open the eyes of the next big entrepreneur, world-renowned chef, president, CEO, doctor, or architect. Our goal is to make sure black and brown students have equal access to that classroom.” 

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feature, partnerBrandon Miller